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wut the time?
‘In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. By Time, indeed humanity is in a state of loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and in the mutual teaching of patience’ (Surah al-`Asr, 103:1-3)
time is
~MaGiC AppLe~
I'll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple. It's a magic wishing apple.
A wishing apple? Yes. One bite, and all your dreams will come true. Really? Yes. Now, make a wish, and take a bite.
kalo ikut gaya begamba tu mcm mama n papa panda jekk.. :D
hehehe teke ler lagik...nanti aku bagitau jawapannyer... hehehehe (setiap kali aku tgk gamba katun tu musti aku sengih)
TAK LOGIKK LAA!! apa lak gambar aku ngan dinde aku..aku ada misai..watak lelaki tu tader misai..hehehhehe ;p
hehehhehehhe... tu la kuasa veto ku...
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