Tuesday, April 25, 2006


heh..terkejut? aku lagik terkejut.. anyway my wife dah nak masuk second trimester. hurm rupanya dalam diam berisi. :D
You have 186 days until Saturday, October 28, 2006. jangkaan laa sebab dah buat scan.

now baru amik tahu apa tu morning sickness..cian kat wife aku ari2 muntah..apa boleh buat..jumpa dokter dia cakap sakit buatan org mcm nih tader ubat..hahaha tergelak aku bila dengar 1st time dokter cakap mcm tu.

erm maleh nak taip pepanjang just for my info and ur info...

First Month

Though your baby looks like a tadpole, isn't even an inch long, and weighs less than an ounce, he or she is already filling your thoughts and transforming your body. You no longer have your period, but you have lots of hormones running through your system, making sure that you're fully equipped for growing your baby. Your hormones have already succeeded in swelling your breasts, and you might find them a little tender.

In the meantime, your fertilized egg has completed the week long journey to your uterus, settled into your endometrial lining, and divided in two. One half is the embryo you are falling in love with, and the other is becoming the placenta. The embryo has developed a head and mouth, eyes, buds that will become arms and legs, the beginning of lungs and a digestive tract, and a heart that will begin to beat at the end of this month. And the neural tube, which will become your baby's brain and spinal cord, has already begun to form. That's quite a list of accomplishments your little one has racked up!

Second Month

Now that you're in the second month of your pregnancy, you may find yourself a little more tired, a little more nauseous, and a lot hungrier for weird combinations of food. Your breasts are still sore and your nipples and areola have darkened, but you're probably more focused on your stomach. It's emptying itself regularly, thanks to estrogen inspired morning sickness and your bladder's more and more frequent demands. You're probably filling right back up though, thanks to the cravings that may have already set in.

Meanwhile, that other occupant of your lower torso, your baby, is still an embryo. He or she hasn't grown much bigger, but now has little stumps for ears, wrists, ankles, fingers, and toes. All of your baby's major organs are present and accounted for, though none of them are fully developed. And your placenta is ready to do business with your blood, exchanging your baby's waste products for the food and oxygen running through your veins. You and your baby are all set up and ready to grow together through the coming months.

Third Month

Your baby is now officially a fetus! And you're probably moody, irritable, tired, light-headed, dizzy, nauseous, and headachy. And beginning to feel fat. Take comfort in this news: by the end of this month, your morning sickness should subside, and your baby is already beginning to look like a real person! By the end of this month, your baby will be four inches long and will weigh a little more than an ounce. Your baby is now officially either a he or a she, and he or she has eyes, a chin, bits of teeth, a nose, and a forehead. Their fingers and toes are almost fully formed. They're moving around already, though you don't feel it yet, and it won't be long now before you're moving around a lot more, too. You will soon get your energy back, and you will be feeling generally much better. Forming all your baby's organs has taken a lot out of you these last several weeks. Congratulations on a job well done!

ni bukan gambar my baby..tapi upload dari internet. 13week of pregnancy. dia dah boleh lompat2 tendang2 menguap sebab aku tgk dengan mata kepala sendiri masa scan aritu..fuhh subhanallah..mcm tak percaya jer ada "parasit terbaik" dalam body my wife(istilah doktor.


Anonymous said...

Aizull...Tahniah...!!!Wife ko punya due lebih kurang due aku..hehehe...Risau sbb due aku betol2 jatuh masa ari raya..heehhe..

Anonymous said...

wahh..cepat jugak ko yer..dah puas ke hidup berdua? hahahha...congrates 4 u too..ehhe ko punya blo9g mana? hari raya??wahh terrer korang budget yer..namakan syawal laa hehhee

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! »

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